Tired? I'll tell you about tired...
I'm so tired I don't have the energy to find a picture online of a really tired and wiped out person to put in this blog. You know it's tough to be up beat and sassy when you are just wrung out.
Having survived my first rent week as Manager, I think I did pretty well. I practically camped out at work, but that's not the point is it? I got the work done. Oh yeah, to us productive minded OCD people it's all about being productive. Oh and responsible...and accountable. Oops, don't want to forget...winning!! That's a big one. So what with all the work and anal obsessing about everything, I'm pretty tired.
I like to just post whatever pops into my head at any given moment. Which might explain why no one hardly ever visits my blog. On the upside I can say pretty much whatever I want because there's nobody to read my ramblings and complain. Also, I say pretty much whatever I want because, well, it IS MY blog after all. There are a few friends and family that love me and out of loyalty dutifully drop by. Hey, like my house, the more the merrier. Just be prepared for me making my point without using Map Quest...it's not going to be the most direct route.
Hey one thing that happened that has me happy as bees knees is that I love taking pictures with my new phone and being able to email them. This is especially handy for work. I'm really loving my new phone.
So that's it. I'm tired, have no time for reading, and love my new phone. Oh, and Valentine's Day is next week. Don't cop an attitude about the commercialism of Valentine's Day. Do you know how many people Hallmark employs? Well, me neither, but it's alot! And like I wrote in a couple of Valentine cards I sent out this year, what's not to like about a holiday that's all about love and includes ritual gift giving of chocolates and flowers? Sounds like a winner to me!
I loved your email and despite what you think, I actually read it in one sitting.
I'm so sorry your beat up! That person, who shall remain namelss, but you know who I mean, is a real bitch!!!
I hope this week you can catch up on some sleep or something. You need to take care of your bones! I mean that quite literally!!! Get some rest, take care of you and don't work so damn hard!
Love you, Chica!
Hey Rosie, I read what you have to say, so don't stop whatever you do! I kinda like coming here because it feels quite cosy! I've mostly stopped posting on popular blogs because I it's no fun anymore. I used to always read Smart Bitches, but I can't even be arsed to do that anymore!
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