What makes a blog site or post entertaining for you? I have such a wide range of sites I visit...despite my small list noted on my blog page. There is such a disparity in what I find interesting or attractive about my favorites. One of them, Mary's Blog, I visit because it's my sister. I think she is funny and smart. But that's not why I like her blog.
I like her blog because it seems so real and is accessible to my real life. Not because she's my sister either. She's younger than I am so I get to see a younger POV of the stay at home Mom. I stayed at home with my kids too and it's interesting to see the differences and the similarities of how she deals with those challenges. She has an interesting mix of people who hang out there and I love that.
On the other hand, I like Karen's blog because it makes me feel connected to other women who enjoy the same sorts of books I read. Everyone there has strong opinion and I love the feeling of belonging to a community of women with opinions...about absolutely everything! It is often funny, frequently irreverant, and most of all honest. I wouldn't miss a post...and the comments are just as enlightening and entertaining.
Of course, I've mentioned Jennifer Crusie here many times. Now she and Bob Mayer have formed a collaboration to write books together. Their first book together, DON'T LOOK DOWN, comes out in April and I can't wait to read it. Ms. Crusie just tickles my funny bone. Because we are of a similar age she presents a familiar frame of reference. Besides how could I not like someone who watched ANGEL? I thought I was the only closet 40-something watching it. It was my guilty pleasure. Then there was Spike...
See, there I go again completely off topic. Anyway, she and Bob have a web site together Crusie/Mayer and are doing a blog He Wrote, She Wrote as well as her own Argh Ink. On their collaborative blog site there are more frequent posts (almost every day). I find their adventures a hoot and a great escape at lunch hour to transport me away from my work doldrums. And while I can see with my new work schedule it is going to be harder to post very often myself. I'm so grateful for all the places that I can visit with the click of a button and be so enriched, enlightened and entertained.
Is that too much sucking up?Labels: Argh Ink, Blogging, He Wrote She Wrote, Jennifer Crusie, KarenS, The Stair Steps