A big family, a reading addiction, and the occasional celebrity scandal are the ingredients of life that create one woman's opinion on just about everything.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Love Actually

There is so much going on in my little corner of the blogosphere! CindyS isn't sleeping. Nikki is having cluster headaches. Wendy is still getting ready to move when she isn't ogling the cute guy changing out her florescent lights at work. Jodi found out she should be a martini for Halloween. Gabrielle reminded me how f**king fantastic it is to work in Paris. Holly has no heat for cripes sakes and her son has his first crush all in the same week. Karen can't believe how ridiculous the press is over Madonna's recent adoption when there are so many more news worthy things to report. Many of us are excited about new fall TV programming like Heroes, and returning favs like Grey's Anatomy. Tara Marie is thinking about starting a new business (go TM!) and my sister Mary is working on getting her groove back after making her latest move with her husband who is in the Air Force. Over at Let's Gab, Anne's got the news blues.

These are just a few of the sites I visit on a regular basis and things I remembered off the top of my head from the last couple of days. Today the potent combination of reading your posts got me thinking.
Anne's post about the negative and depressing news not only was food for thought, but reminded me of something I try to work on, especially when there are particularly sad or distressing events going on in the world. Sometimes it is very discouraging and depressing isn't it? But it also reminds me that I believe my role as a human being on the planet is at a minimum be a witness to what is happening. Then I try to do whatever small part I can by voting, by donations, by posting about what I see and feel is wrong. It helps me not to feel so helpless. Anne's post helped me feel connected to that feeling and to her in a small way.

While I have had a rant or two over the press going overboard and focusing or fussing about some celeb scandal, much like Karen posted today about Madonna, I commented that maybe someone else will feel compelled to adopt a baby and give it a home like Madonna has and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. If kids are helped, that's a good thing. My kids are adopted and we get mixed signals from people about it all the time. I know it's not the same thing as celebrities adopting third world kids, but I felt connected to Karen's post because of my adoption experience and the feelings that in general the western world focuses on all the wrong things.

There's news to be found on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The people who care and have a loved one serving are reading the accounts. Gabrielle opened my eyes and my heart this week with a link to
The Sandbox. The Sandbox was started by cartoonist Garry Trudeau, who does Doonesbury, for troops to post their thoughts. I cried. These are real people sharing their experiences. I'm a military brat, my sister's husband is in the Air Force. I feel connected to military families. I remember what it was like to have a Dad flying night missions from Thailand during the Vietnam war when everyone and their brother wanted us out of there and the war was so unpopular. Reading the thoughts of those men and women serving is so moving.

So my point is that even though one might be sitting at a PC or laptop and feel futile or superfluous, your thoughts, lives, opinions and book reviews touch the people who visit and read. So when
Zeek asked us a couple days ago about whether or not the men in our life think romance is porn and Kristie dedicates a whole post to our thoughts, I think back on all the subjects that were important in our lives this past week and marvel that the common thread is romance novels. Isn't that incredible? Isn't that amazing? Porn couldn't create a community like that, but maybe a love story could.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Porn couldn't create a community like that, but maybe a love story could."

HA! You are exactly right! Porn can't do that!

Well, well, well, bf has no idea how much are discussion is getting around, which is probably a good thing. :-D

The guys a good man, just has to get passed his pre-concieved ideas in this one little area ... unfortunately NOW it's become a battle of who's right and who's wrong. ::shaking head:: Men sure are stubborn aren't they? God Bless 'em. Well, mine is anyway ...

6:03 AM PDT  
Blogger Rosie said...

Zeek, I hope you don't feel like we are picking on your bf. Guys have been making a comments like this forever and yours just happens to be the most recent. As for being stubborn, well I know some women that bring it to a whole new level so the guys don't have a corner on THAT!

8:24 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no! No worries! yes I'm a stubborn wench meself and that's why he and I knock heads all the time! :D

8:31 AM PDT  
Blogger Jodi_Lee said...

Rosie that was such a profound post.

It is true - the common thread that has brought us all together, is the love of romance novels!

There is power in numbers! :)

8:56 PM PDT  
Blogger Kristie (J) said...

It is such a special community isn't it? And there is nothing better than when new bloggers find and join it and add their own special thoughts to the mix!

9:15 PM PDT  
Blogger Rosie said...

Jodi, you are always so nice. Thanks!

Kristie, this is a special community and I appreciate you all more every day.

9:42 PM PDT  

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