For Nath & Steadman
Here is Igor nekkid. Without the life saving and embarrassment sparing pancake makeup. It is much, much lighter in color than it was yesterday. However Operation Love Bite, or HIDE THE FREAKING HICKEY! is still on.
Steadman? Nath? Happy now?
I'm off to try and finish my tbr read for tomorrow.
Labels: GG, Igor the Love Bite, TGILW
That's HUGE!
All I can say is way to go GG. LOL
Ames-y, I know!!!
OMG!!! That thing needs its own zip code!! It's humungo!!
Daaaanngg..GG really goes all out, doesn't he?
(yes, I'm totally snickering. Ok, I might even been full out laughing. But I got nuttin but love for ya, baby)
Wowzer!!! I guess next time GG comes close to your neck, you're going to zap him, LOL!!
couldn't you have said it was a bruise?
Holly, you see why I nearly ended GG's life? S'rsly, I can't for the life of me figure out how I got a mark like this and I honestly don't remember the man being near my neck. He swears he doesn't remember either. I know how lame that sounds, but it's true. Weird...very, very weird.
Nath, well Missy you had to see it didn't you. I wasn't exaggerating was I? And, yes, GG is very aware if he comes anywhere near my neck again he'll leave less an appendage.
It's not that bad. yeah, not bad.
Katie, it's actually even lighter today than yesterday. Praise be. I think by Friday it should be gone, gone, gone. Now just to survive the next 3 days at work without discovery.
I remember back when I was about 19 and I got this very, very bad hickey. I had it on my neck for 2 weeks!
Thank you for cover up!
Kate, so for two days of my misery you have been holding out!!! Did anyone discover your shame? Did cover up save you??
Actually, when friends and others saw my hickey, they gave me high fives and said, "Kate got some!!"
LMAO. I guess it is a bit different when you are younger.
I guess a hickey is kind of like buying condoms. If someone sees you with a pack, they thing, lucky gal/guy is getting some.
O.M.G. That puppy is huge! WTG, GG!!!!
LOL High Five!!!!
See, Kate? it isn't that much different when you're "older." :P
I'm still laughing at you. Ha ha.
Kate,I have to say joking with all of you isn't a problem, but thinking about anyone at work seeing it gives me the hives.
Lori, *sigh* I wish you'd quit encouraging him.
Yeah Kate, what Christine said.
Dev, I'm taking names...
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