A big family, a reading addiction, and the occasional celebrity scandal are the ingredients of life that create one woman's opinion on just about everything.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Labor Day and the L O N G weekend...

Don't hate me, but I have a long weekend every week because I only work Tuesday through Friday. Of course it throws me off each and every week because when I go in to work on Tuesday I always feel like it's Monday and it takes the whole week for the days to sort out again. Then, of course, it starts all over again. Yeah, yeah I know, "cry me a river" , right? What a wanker you're probably thinking. Okay, I'll own that I'm wanking a bit, but did you ever stop to think what would happen if you had an extra day off each week? Huh? Well for me it goes something like this.

Lately it's sucked because I was still getting up at 4:30 (that's A.M.) to start dropping people off to their car pool, school or job. When you have an extra day off the natives seem to think you have time for extra stuff. Extra stuff for them. Carting said natives from place to place falls under this category of extra stuff.

Fortunately, this past week we sort of returned to normal with the carting around being reduced to a minimum. However, now Mondays seem to have ended up being like the room in the house where you just shove everything until you have time to go through and sort it all. Yeah, Monday is my junk drawer/room. Everything I don't have time for the rest of the week I try to get done on Monday. So, I get to loathe Mondays for a completely different reason than it's the start of the work week. It's the day all the chores I like least have to get done.

Before you ask I'll own up and say, "Yes, I had a list." BUT, after I started reading it I got sort of freaked out and overwhelmed. So, I culled a few important things from it, made a shorter list and threw the rest of the list away. Aren't you proud of me? Well, I'm proud of me. Time was I'd gird my loins and attack that list!

Some of my regular visitors might be surprised that I threw one of my lists away knowing, as you do, how I love all things list-y. You may be wondering why I'm not battening down the hatches and forging ahead. Then again, you might be a lot smarter than I am and figured things out. That damn list was ruining my Monday! Monday, a day when Shmoo can drive himself to school, GG drives his car pool, and Beanie has his own car. All of which translates to, Rosie can be alone in the house, stay in her jammies all damn day and read if she wanted to. Yeah, I'm a little slow on the up-take sometimes, but when I get it, I REALLY get it. So, I'm working on having a no-list Monday. A sort of Monday Moratorium on Lists.

This Monday being the Labor Day holiday is going to be a big help getting the Monday Moratorium on Lists rolling. The men in my life will gladly and enthusiastically help me to avoid doing chores. The 'No Chores' is a subject Beanie and Shmoo not only excel at but work to convert others to their way of thinking. I'll give a token resistance because they will expect it. Then, I'll pretend to think it over and rattle off a couple of things that need to be done. After that I'll look like I'm giving serious consideration to their arguments of how I need to relax and enjoy life more. (Yes, they are shameless little cretins, my boys.) And finally, reluctantly, I'll (gleefully) give in. No chores. No list. Heh, heh! I wasn't always a Mom you know.

I dunno. Is it a little weird that I have to trick myself this way? Or that I get such a kick out of taking my boys for a cerebral joy ride? Hmmmmm...

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Blogger Dev said...

Sounds like you've got a wonderful Monday planned out. Have fun "giving in" to the pampering. I know I don't get out of my jammies if I don't have to :-)

10:33 AM PDT  
Blogger alcoment said...

Everyone should have a day in the week where they do nothing. Well, apart from the things they want to do. I hope you get to do all the reading you want to.

Maybe we should consider calling for a law that makes all day PJ wearing a monthly requirement!

12:04 PM PDT  
Blogger ReneeW said...

You sound so much like me. :) I was just talking to hubby about the fact that I would like to have a 3day weekend every week. But I see I would probably have the same problems that you have. Hope you have a good Monday.

12:21 AM PDT  
Blogger Kristie (J) said...

My week is going to be sweet. Monday is Labor Day and it's my turn to work next weekend so I have Friday off. All I have this week coming up is Tues. Wed. and Thurs. I like that!

6:17 AM PDT  
Blogger Rosie said...

Dev, I did. I did! :) Although I did make it out of my jammies.

Alcoment, I couldn't agree more. Sometimes, though, when I'm feeling sorry for myself I think of all the women, MILLIONS of them, who will never, ever have a moment of pampering and I know I'm ridiculous for the fortunate life I have.

Renee, it was a great Monday. Quite a good weekend actually, because although we weren't alone much I did get to spend some extra time with GG and I always love that.

Krisitie, yippee for you! One of the women I work with has the same thing this week...Tues, Weds, Thurs. She didn't realize it until last Friday and was pretty stoked. Have a good week. Hope you enjoy your time off as much as I did.

4:51 PM PDT  
Blogger CindyS said...

Hey, I'm proud of ya!! So will Monday be forever PJ day? It should be but I'm horrible for my contagious laziness. I'd say that I cured Bob of his rampant need for tidiness but I think now that the shed is done he may just surprise me.

I love the mind games you play. That would have been soo something I would have done if I had kids.


1:03 AM PDT  
Blogger Becky said...

What, you mean not everyone tricks themselves like that?! Lol, maybe I am just going mad...mwahahahahaha!

And I hear ya on the "stay-in-jammies" days. Those are the days FrumpMama's live for! I'm afraid my boys won't be driving themselves anywhere for quite sometime, however, so those are limited to school breaks for now.

9:19 PM PDT  
Blogger Rosie said...

Becky, in theory I'd like Monday to be jammy days but the boys invariably bring friends home or I have errands to run. It's always something. I keep thinking that one of these days I'll catch a break and get a day to myself. Think?

10:01 PM PDT  

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