A big family, a reading addiction, and the occasional celebrity scandal are the ingredients of life that create one woman's opinion on just about everything.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

So much stuff to say and so little time...

I will start this post by telling  you my sister from Georgia called and asked me if I was speaking at the conference.  

Yes.  She really asked me that.  I was flabbergasted.  What had I ever said or done that would lead her to believe I was a speaker at the national Romance Writers of America conference??? What? 

Of course I set her straight by telling her I was more like lint on a very nice blazer. Present and maybe sometimes a little bit annoying.  I tell  you this to humble myself before I tell you what a great day I had and to help put things in some sort of perpecitve.

I started the day by meeting Aztec Lady.  Who not only brought some delicious mango for us to feast on but who also has an actual real name.   Of course, we still refer to her as AL most of the time because, you know, that's who she REALLY is.  As the SoCal bloggers know it is very cool to meet fellow bloggers face to face and this meeting was no exception.

Then my pal Lisabea arrived.  We were starving and took off for breakfast and sight seeing. Unbelievably while standing in line waiting to order, two people come in. The new arrivals were none other than Carolyn Jewel and Megan Frampton!  Can you believe it??   I couldn't believe that we'd left the hotel and *poof* there was one of the people I wanted to see most at the conference.  

As we seat ourselves outside LB excuses herself.  The next thing I know she's talking to Carolyn Jewel inside the restaurant and I'm being waved inside too.  Apart from my red cheeks I welcomed the chance to gush a bit and promised I would be seeing her later at the literacy signing.  Which, of course, I did.  It was a very cool moment for me though.

Not as cool as sitting on a bed at a pajama party later that evening with both Ann Aguirre and Carolyn Jewel and being a part of a conversation with both of them.  Bliss I tell you.  Bliss. Of course all that was before hotel security called to tell us we were all getting a tad bit too loud. Fun and merriment was had by all.

Considering Lisabea and I also put in a tour of the Jefferson, Lincoln and Washington monuments along with the Vietnam Memorial, I've had a very full and exciting day. Oh, and have I mentioned I met Linda-freaking-Howard?  My pal Super Librarian Wendy has a photo of this momentous event from the Literacy signing.  Exciting and very, very cool.

To say I'm exhausted when it is now 2 AM and I'm getting up in a few hours to do it all over again is no understatement.  I'm waaaaaay exhausted, which, of course, won't stop me one little bit.

Well except for walking in grossly inappropriate footwear and getting blisters on my poor abused feet.  I'm so tired I'm cross eyed or I'd post pictures.

Thinking about you... 

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Blogger Wendy said...

Oh Lord. I was also up until 2AM. This can only end in disaster :)

4:40 AM PDT  
Blogger sula said...

hehe, sounds like you all are having a blast. wishing i was there...

AL has a name? omg. ;) I so wanna meet her.

5:15 AM PDT  
Blogger ~ames~ said...

It does sound like bliss Rosie.

6:20 AM PDT  
Blogger Tracy said...

lol Oh Rosie I just love you. That lint analogy was just one of the best ones I've ever heard!

I'm so jealous of your exhaustion - how sad is that? haha I want it to be me. :) I'm so glad you're having a wonderful day and got to meet Carolyn Jewel - 3 times!!!!

Azteclady has a real name? Whodathunk?

9:57 AM PDT  
Blogger nath said...

Wooohooo!! Looks like you not only got to meet Carolyn Jewels, but got to spend time with her!!! Great!! :)

So jealous, sounds like you're having a great time!! :D

Can't wait to see your pic of Linda Howard :D

10:12 AM PDT  
Blogger Rosie said...

SL, truer words were never spoken.

sula, we are all still hoping you can make a fly by on Saturday.

Ames, are your ears burning? I talked about you last nite.

Tracy, significant things happen at RWA. The attendance of one reader-blogger from SoCali isn't one of them. Hence my lint analogy. Yes, I'm already exhausted, but it's a "good" exhaustion.

Nathie, I was really gushy with Carolyn Jewel. I hope I didn't scare her. Yikes! She my newest favorite writer.

10:42 AM PDT  
Blogger Rowena said...

Awwww, I'm so green with envy that all of you guys are having such a wonderful time out there and I'm totally eating up all of your blog posts on everything going on so keep them coming!

You can sleep when you come home, Rosie..until then there are authors to meet and fun to be had, so get with it sister!


11:39 AM PDT  
Blogger Rosie said...

Rowena, I'm taking a brief break after Avon signing to rejuvenate. Then it's off to the races.

1:59 PM PDT  
Blogger ~ames~ said...

All good I hope! LOL

7:16 PM PDT  

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