Such an original blog post title. There are probably 900 other posts of the same name. I'm sitting in my room contemplating what to wear to the RITAs, I brought something, but suddenly I don't want to wear it. Call me contrary. It's okay.
Aztec Lady, Super Librarian Wendy, KristieJ, and I will be together with some others AL has gathered into the group. LB Gregg is having dinner with some other authors (K.A. Mitchell for one) and then joining us later.
It's been another fun, but exhausting conference. Every time I think I'm pacing myself better than the previous year I realize what a lie I'm telling myself. I did however really well with books this year. I bought at the Literacy signing, it's for charity after all, and was very restrained at the publisher signings. I had 3 boxes of books the first year. Last year I mailed two boxes. This year only one and am taking a few more home in my suitcase. I'm pretty happy about my restraint.
I was fortunate enough to get to the Grand Central Publishing signing early enough to get an ARC of MY IMMORTAL ASSASSIN by Carolyn Jewel. I'm over the moon with excitement.
It's late as hell and I'm procrastinating doing the girl thing for the party tonight. More when I get home. SL Wendy and I have an early flight tomorrow.
P.S. No review, spell check or grammar check of this post. I hope it makes cents, sents sense.
Labels: RWA, RWA 2010