A big family, a reading addiction, and the occasional celebrity scandal are the ingredients of life that create one woman's opinion on just about everything.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

25 Years!

Here we are almost a year ago with our boys at my surprise 50th birthday party.

When I got married I could hardly imagine 25 years with the same person. I meant to be married only once, but imagining 25, 30, 40, or 50 years was so far out there...

Now here I am 25 years later with the same man. While I think he's bees knees our journey to this day has been happy, sad, fulfilling, disappointing, enlightening, disheartening...you get the drift. Not easy, but worthwhile.

After 25 years he still makes me laugh, exasperates me, smells good, makes me feel safe to be me, and continues to surprise me both in the bedroom and outside it.

To say I love him is too small. I still LIKE being with him and THAT is amazing to me.

Thanks GG. I love you!

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Monday, November 28, 2005

This and That

Happy Birthday Annette Michele!

Dull, dreary, worn, depresssing. Blech! Back at work. That's all I'm saying on that subject.

Our Thanksgiving trip was great. Now I'm looking forward to Christmas season. We got our outside Christmas lights up on Sunday. I love seeing the brightly colored lights out. Isn't great seeing houses all lit up?

Now I have lots to do, Christmas shopping and cards. I'm not your bah-humbug type. I love most things about the holidays. Family, shopping, keeping in touch, wrapping gifts, baking. I think the key is not to over-do. Buy and do what you can afford. I just try to remember it is one day of the year and doesn't have to be the day on which the whole year hinges. It really is true that family and friends are the most important part of the holiday. Christmas always reminds me how lucky I am in my friends and family.

Tomorrow is my 25th wedding anniversary. I can hardly believe it. The time has flown by. More importantly, I still not only love my husband, I really like him...well most of the time. ; )

Now the guy I live with made me promise that I would keep our pact and not go buy him some little thing for our anniversary since we are splurging on a new bedroom suite for ourselves. Then he goes and buys me a diamond bracelet!!! Isn't he just the sweetest most wonderful man in the world? Well, he is in MY world that's for sure...and that was before he bought the bracelet. You know I always am amazed at our good fortune in finding one another. Who knew? We were 25 and 27 and thought we knew what we were doing, but you never know what life is going to throw at you. I know I wasn't THAT smart when I was 25 to know that this man was going to be all that he has been the last 25 years. I'm soooooo damn lucky to be with him and well, so happy.

Crap! He is going to read this (eventually) and get a swelled head. Oh well...I guess I can't keep him in the dark forever.

Happy Anniversary Babe! Here's to us and 25 more great years!!!

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Sunday, November 27, 2005

Thanksgiving in Sonoma

My husband and our two boys made the trek from Southern California to Northern California... 8 hours by car ... to spend Thanksgiving with my brother and his wife's family.

It was sublime.

All the grapes have been harvested. The fields and trees are all full of fall colors. Wonderfully crystal blue skies and 71 degrees. Magnificent! Truly and wonderfully beautiful.

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Monday, November 21, 2005

The Book that Broke the Block!

TA-DAH!!! This is the book that I culled from the ever expanding TBR pile. I pulled it out on a whim for something light to read.

Normally I hate, loathe, detest anyone mentioning the word "cute" when associated with a book. It's an automatic pass for me. I don't usually like the "oh it was a cute, sweet, funny story" type of a book. I like my characters slightly flawed...not perfect. But I have to admit "cute" is a word that comes to mind with this book.

However, having said that fatal word...I hope it doesn't put you off like it ordinarily would me. What is great about this book is that both people are flawed and yet turn out to be right for each other. Yeah, I know it's been written before, but I think the snappy dialogue between the characters and particularly their internal dialogue makes this book a worthwhile read.

I came to be an Erin McCarthy fan quite by accident. She won a writing contest by Lori Foster and got published. Okay, call me a cynic, but I thought either she was a ringer or the best of some mediocre submissions. Sorry Ms. McCarthy! Anyway, I picked up a couple of her books at the used book store and recently bought PREGNANCY TEST new and really enjoyed it.

Have you ever had the hots for someone...or been infactuated and every time you were around that person you were so nervous and anxious that you did something embarassing? Enter surgical resident Josie Adkins who has a bad case of the dropsies every time she is in the presence of Dr. Houston Hayes, a rising star surgeon who just happens to be her mentor. How many times can you drop a scalpel before they drop you from the surgical rotation altogether?

While the story has it's funny, and even bittersweet moments there is an underlying sexual tension. How much and how often they should give into it is part of the dilemma. They both start out thinking that a one nighter might be the ticket to relieve the sexual tension and put things in perspective. It's amusing to me in life, and this book, how people will rationalize almost anything to get some nooky!

It's one of those mysteries of life why this book did the trick, but it did. The reading drought is over! I also read and enjoyed Christine Feehan's new book, but it didn't grab me the way this one did. For spicier fare I read two books from EC. I liked Annie Windsor's THROWBACK and the second book in the Fallon series by Jory Strong.

Can't believe it's been a week since I posted anything. That's the longest I've gone without posting since I started this page.

Karen's (link on sidebar) got a beautiful new page done up. Under her new profile comments she says she doesn't like wankers. Well, Karen I don't either as a rule, but I do have a quick update about my countdown to my job being done which involves a bit of a wank...so I beg your indulgence everyone!

The great candidate for my job didn't pass the background check. Yikes!!!! Of course we aren't allowed to know what it was that prevented his approval, but I can say...WTF? I'm beginning to think fate conspires against me leaving this job.

Sure, you can say, "You gave your notice moron! Move on!" My dilemma is that I promised to train someone. Currently no one else in the joint knows how. The flaw in my thinking was believing they'd hire someone and that I would be doing the training on a consulting basis about 8 hours a week for maybe a month. Now they're back to square one. So next, I guess I have to give them a deadline for a new hire because otherwise I'll never get out of that place!

There, wanking is officially over. For now I'm on vacation this week. I'm going to go see what else I can dig out of my TBR pile! BTW, have you caught Jennifer Crusie's latest blog. Funny

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Sunday, November 13, 2005


What I couldn't say BEFORE I went to Las Vegas was that the trip was to be part of one of my college roomies surprise birthday party. My friend, affectionately known to me as Kellstance thought her big birthday surprise was the surprise trip to Las Vegas with her family. On Wednesday, her actual birthday. Her hub and kids took her to dinner and she got the surprise trip.

Then on Friday evening, her first night in Las Vegas, she walked into Zefferinos Italian restaurant in the Venetian (fab place by the way!) and was first surprised by her sister-in-law and nephew....she didn't even see her brother yet who was filming. Then her parents, who hadn't been to Las Vegas since 1964, went into to the room. I interrupt the the sequence of events that my anticipation for the whole surprise is that Kellie is so great to give gifts to. She has so much expression and joie de vivre that it is a joy to watch her receive a gift or surprise.

So at this point she has already had two huge surprises and literally shrieked as the people walked into the room. By the time her two roomies walked in I thought she was going to pass out! No sound came out of her mouth and she started to weep. We're lucky she didn't pass out. We had a great evening and alot of fun! We got to tell her kids stories (lies) about the good ole days. A few drinks, a little gambling and we were off to bed.

What a great evening though. And she sure was surprised. Serendipity...that's what it was. Serendipity.

I am most grateful that I have a life full of great memories and friends. What a joy and what a blessing!

6 calendar days and 5 work days until liberation!

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Friday, November 11, 2005

Books, Vets, Vegas & why I need a break!!

First of all I want to thank all of you who have left suggestions for books. I've actually written a couple of them down to check out and lucky for me the Katherine Allred book DID come out Thursday at Cerridwen Press so I bought that already. I'm going to print it out and take it with me on my trip this weekend.

Today is Veterans Day. I think about and say a prayer for the families who are separated and have someone serving overseas in Afghanistan or Iraq. I can't imagine living with the worry and fear for your loved one who is serving.

My Dad was a fighter pilot in the USAF and served during the Vietnam War, two of his brothers fought in WW II, I have a brother and nephew who are U.S. Navy vets and my brother-in-law is in missles in the USAF now, so the day has some significance to our family. Growing up a military brat and now seeing my sister Mary and her husband living a nomadic life in the military I'm reminded that like serving in our communities as fire fighters and police officers, it is a noble profession. One we take for granted.

Recently I watched A FEW GOOD MEN again with the guy I live with. You know that while the Jack Nicholson character turns out to be the bad guy, he makes a valid point in his monologue about serving. We do take our military and the security they provide us for granted. I'm not talking about the war in Iraq either. I am talking about serving without complaint and being prepared to defend your country and its' citizens even unto death. It ain't no small thing. I lift my glass to all who serve their communities whether as teachers, fire fighters, police officers or in the armed forces.

Which brings me to this weekend. GG and I are off to fabulous LAS VEGAS!! All I can say is "What happens in Vegas...stays in Vegas!" I'll clue you in on Monday, but needless to say I'm soooooo looking forward to the break.

As to why I need the break...what else...the effing job!! However, I go on my trip with a lighter heart because we truly received a gift from God today. The perfect candidate for the job sent in a resume and has already gone through preliminary interviews. So I'm breathing easier knowing they have an almost cookie cutter perfect person to take my place with a minimum of stress and training due to his extensive experience. Talk about taking a load off my mind! Whew! Now I have even more reason to live it up in Sin City.

I'll fill you in on the goings on next week. Now all I have to worry about is the two child units not burning down the house or killing each other while I'm gone.

8 calendar days and 5 work days until LIBERATION!

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Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Yes, my friends. I am in READER HELL. You know that period of funk where everything you read sucks? It doesn't seem to matter what genre or subject matter. It all seems flat...boring...dull...and very inconsequential.

I'm afraid to read any of my old stand-by favorites for fear I will taint their beloved memory forever.

I've determined that what I need is a book so good, so mind bending, so riveting that I can't put it down. A book that will keep me up all night reading. God...I want to read a good book!

So come on people, help me out...I'm desperate and I miss reading. Besides, at this point my TBR is so ridiculous that I probably have the book you might recommend. So, if you have a book you've read recently that you just couldn't put down...tell me...I'm begging you!!! What is your old standby favorite? I'm not worried about tainting your favorite book's beloved memory. Tell me what it is! Hey maybe it will become one of my favorites too!

What book made you laugh? Made you cry? Made you change your life or look at a person or situation differently? What was the last book you read that was so good you told all your friends about it and your significant other finally threw up their hands and read it too!

Okay, I feel better knowing that I'm being proactive about my "dead calm" period of reading. I'm just sitting here waiting for the wind to fill my sails now. Anybody feel a breeze?

10 calendar days and 8 work days to liberation

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Monday, November 07, 2005


Take a good look at this slice of birthday cake because you are going to see alot of it in the next few weeks. Today is my brother Paul's birthday. Happy Birthday Paul Vincent!!

It's official! Beginning with my son's birthday on October 28th, we officially enter the birthday and holiday season in my family and extended family. Thrown in with the holidays we have a birthday or two and sometimes three every week until about mid-January.

I'm not kidding! I was one of 9. Our birthdays fall 2 in September, 2 in November, 2 in December and 3 in January. My Mom must have been "in season" in the Spring.

Among us we have 7 spouses and 26 children. Some of the spouses and several of the children have birthdays in the September through January birthday/holiday season.

I have three sisters. Joy, Annette and Mary. All four of us have our birthday within 33 days. Annette's is November 28th, December 17th is mine, December 18th is Joy's and January 1st is Mary's. This time of year makes me nostalgic and miss my sisters more than any other time of the year. A few years ago the four of us went to New York City for 5 days in mid-December. We had a blast! With kids, jobs and holidays it just isn't possible for us to get together without kids and spouses.

But as previously posted. I love the holiday season and all it represents about home, hearth and family. Call me sentimental...go ahead! I don't care! I'm looking forward to the next month for so many reasons. Not the least of which is to celebrate the lives of the people I love most.

12 calendar days and 10 work days until liberation


Friday, November 04, 2005

A Stolen Idea!!!

So, I'm talking to my sister on the phone and she tells me of a post she's read SMART SOCRATICS. In the post it suggests you google your first name followed by the word NEEDS.

My sister had tried it and got some interesting and funny results, so I figure why not give it a whirl? Of course there were a few drawbacks for me. My first name is Rosie, which means I'd be typing in "Rosie needs". You know as in "Rosie the Riveter" if you are over 70; or Rosie O'Donnell if you aren't. I modestly mention this because a few (only a very few) people have a link to my page listed as 'Rosie's Blog'. Visitors are frequently disappointed that it is only little ole me and not someone famous.

Anyway, I figured that I would get some really cool stuff because of having the same first name as someone famous. *Insert heavy sigh here* After I weed out the critical slams (What Rosie (O'Donnell) needs is a new PR person). And of course, the poignant pleas for help for a special needs dog named Rosie. (Rosie has special needs) I do too...have special needs, but they don't involve a yard to run in or a special dog food diet.

I'm listing 5 of the more interesting ones I culled out between celebrity slams and doggie delights...well the first one is still about the dog, but it was a really good one so I'm keeping it!

Rosie needs...

a forever family. Who doesn't need this? I would only add low maintenance, well mannered and grateful to to be sure if I'm going to spend forever with these people they don't drive me crazy.

to fuck. Yes, yes, and yes. I may be middle aged, but I'm not dead.

all our encouragement and moral support. Bring it on!

Rick. I don't know who this is, but hell I've never met a Rick I didn't like! So a movie, dinner and I have a new friend. Of course the guy I live with might have something to say about this, but I say you can never have too many friends.

help with her school work. Despite my sister Joy's best efforts to convince me I want to go back to school, I'm currently unenrolled. However, I do have a 15 year old in high school and I'd defer the help to him.

So all in all this was an interesting exercise. But just so you know, what I REALLY need is a cabana boy. A cabana boy could help me with all my needs, and if his name is Rick...

15 Calendar Days and 10 work days to go to liberation.

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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Countdown Begins!

17 calendar days and 13 work days to go. Yes, I know I've said I quit before, but that was before "the diagnosis". This time I really, really am quitting. November 18th is the goal!

I'm crossing the days off the calendar one by one! One would have to wonder why I've stayed at a job so long that I'm so eager to leave. As with most things in life it is a mixed bag. It hasn't been all bad. I think my greatest challenge and difficulty at work is the work environment itself.

On another subject, completely unrelated to work, I've missed posting the last couple of Sundays. As a result I haven't done my health update and attitude of gratitude thought. It's sort of a cleansing experience so bear with me and my meanderings. While I would like to do this on a specific day of the week so I have a good comparison...that hasn't exactly worked out well for me so far has it? : ) I hate when that happens. Anyway, here's my update.

My eating has been pretty good. While my walking had been excellent, it has sucked the big one this past week. No walking at all. My Catholic guilt is now relieved...I've confessed. Now all I need is some really good penance and I can be cleansed and guilt free.

Of course, since my last post and my sister's comments about that new HBDS (Husband By Default Syndrome) I could always lay blame at the altar of the guy I live with. His dry reply is usually, "Yeah, it's me. I know it is." Of course he doesn't REALLY believe it is, but come on, we all know that they plot and plan while we are sleeping to come up with things to drive us crazy. GG says he finds it amusing to get me "all worked up" and then stand back and watch.

I know what you're thinking. No, I'm not sooooo stupid that I haven't figured out what he's doing. It just usually sends me into a rant that he finds it so amusing to try and get me to rant. I don't usually take the bait on whatever subject he's using to yank my chain. No, I'm the dork who gets worked up because I know that he's trying to set me off which usually ends up with me in a rant anyway. Pretty picture isn't it?

What was my point? I hate when I have to scroll back in the post and figure out what it was I started out to say. Free associating is better. Right? It's how I talk most of the time. I have to concentrate to stay on subject.

Which is...oh yeah, what I'm thankful for. Let me digress for one more momemt. I love the few seconds before I actually type what I'm grateful for because just before I actually type something I have one more second to remember that I had a list of things to chose from and I'm filled with a feeling of gratitude just for the fact that I have so MUCH to be thankful for.

But this week I'm particularly thankful for my sister Mary. Now I love all my sisters dearly, I really do. And, lucky, lucky me I have some wonderful friends. Each of my sisters has her own special place in my life that is for sure, but Mary Angela is my happy place. She is the sweetest, most precious of friends. I don't know what I would do without her. Of all my sisters there are the most years between us...17. She was born when I was a senior in high school. Yet, she and I, of all my sisters, have the most in common.

I don't think I have another friend or family member who would send me a greeting card with a free pass to whine and complain about my spondylitis...but she did.

So, Mary...here's to YOU... the champagne in a family of fine wines. I love you and am so grateful to have you in my life.

BTW, thanks for the free pass.

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