This was posted in my comments by the infamous Steadman. I'm sure as time passes you will hear more about our glorius past and many exploits...not to mention present day shenanigans.
Incentive Packages must be the rage. Last night mine was "I've got an offer you just can't refuse.." (yes, offered up by the guy I live with). I should know better..NO, I do know better, what was I thinking!!! A few weeks ago we rcvd. a $$ incentive(gift) from the mother-in-law. Where she says "I want to give you some $$ to make your home life easier." (ya, only if you purchase exactly what I tell you to). I'm thinking housekeeper, chef.. NO, a MONSTER (f'n riding) lawn mower!!!!
This is the machine when brought home, my head hung in complete embarrassment. Now I've had many, I say many other life happenings that I thought were over the top, can't show my face (May incident). Don't ask. This tops them all!!!
Our youngest child unit was there for the MONSTER's homecoming. He thought we'd lost our minds, too old, lazy you name it. Most of all according to him, he's the poor college student and why wasn't he given the $$. True. The MONSTER would come in handy at school. Halloween. Attach a little trailer hire it out for hay rides. Better yet, SOBER MONSTER for hire. OR Winter...slap a plow on the front, drive yourself to class while picking up a few bucks plowing sidewalks! As much as I didn't want to I had to explain how the MONSTER arrived in our driveway.
OH, did I mention, the neighbors (even the ones that don't talk to you cuz you don't want them to but they don't get that last part) had to come over as if we had something FREE to offer them. They wouldn't leave.. This was all so wrong. Which brings me to "I've go an offer you just can't refuse."
My usual after work routine was complete. I bounced upstairs for end of day spousal interaction. Then comes the offer. We can do this then we can do this...Sounds fine. NOW, as I'm putting on my socks and shoes I'm thinking I get to "help" cut grass? I'm confused.
However, I was "in charge"(key) of the normal size push mower. I was also "in charge" of the areas of the yard the MONSTER couldn't manage. As I walked the perimeter of the yard, sweating my ass and anything else that got in the way off. The tree was sweating. Guess who's riding???? No socks, shoes or sweat. Somehow humidity was a non-issue for him. IT'S ONLY 120%! Yep, non-issue... I can't help thinking, this is making my home life easier how???? wasn't about ME! Wrong, it's always about ME! Just ask the guy I live with. (he is very understanding)
Plus, I GOT to bag what-ever I had trimmed! (what a deal) Yes, that's what I was doing, trimming!!!! Not cutting, TRIMMING!!! What the hell....
The evening wasn't a total confused mess. I did get to take a field trip. First to tour the compost site. The flies are friendly there. Then I got to see and tour the brand new BEST BUY - Motorola Theater Store, THEN to drop off borrowed golf clubs.
I know, I live right.
Labels: Steadman