Hailing All Frequencies
So, RWA I truly don't know where to start. There's so much happening so much sound, noise, conversation that my brain can hardly hold it all. Can you say sensory overload. Yowza!
Here are some totally awesome blogger chicks I've met so far:
SL Wendy
Jane (DA)
Sarah (Smart Bitches)
Alice (Alys)
Angie (Samhain editor who has Nice Mommy/Evil Editor blog)
It's inspiring to meet so many smart, funny, and caring women all in one place. Whether I was getting reacquainted with someone I've met previously or making a new friend, it's been fabulous. Does that sound contrived? I just can't think of a word that adequately describes the wonderfulness of it all.
I had two (yes, count 'em TWO) warm and funny encounters with Gena Showalter and Jill Monroe. They were so nice and welcoming. The first time I ran into them I was with Kristie. I have to admit we both gushed a bit about their Authors Talk to Authors videos. Let me just add they were so gracious and patient with us. Very nice ladies.
Incredibly I made it to almost every author on my 'A List' at the Literacy signing. There was a few writers I missed that I'm hoping I'll get to see at the publisher signings. Hope springs eternal.
Anyway, some author highlights were Nalini Singh, Marjorie Liu (she totally rocked my boat) and Susan Elizabeth Phillips. I had a wonderful conversation with Pamela Morisi. All of Ms. Morisi's historicals are on my keeper shelves. We had just an excellent, and for me memorable chat. Anne Stuart was charming, as was Sherry Thomas and Ann Aguirre. It is no exaggeration when I tell you that every writer I stopped to see and/or spoke to was patient with questions, seemed genuinely happy to see us. Cynic that I can sometimes be, I couldn't believe it.
Just try to imagine how great it would be to have a conversation with Nalini Singh and realize that she knows the names of the people and blogs in your little corner of Romancelandia. I (just) barely restrained myself from dropping my jaw.
I want to say a special thank you to TL Schaefer who has been so so nice to me. It was great to finally meet her and spend a few minutes chatting. Oh, that reminds me, I also had the best visit with Jodi Thomas.
If you ever get a chance to go to an author signing event like this you should grab the opportunity with both hands. The authors I met were all lovely to meet. The event seemed, from my perspective, to be well planned and organized. The layout and size of the room made it easy to get to the authors you wanted to see and in most cases you might have only one or two people ahead of you before you got your "moment".
A good day. A very good day.
Tomorrow we start attending workshops and lectures. There's also the Blaze author signing at 10 a.m. Decisions, decisions, decisions.
I know it's a royal pain to click here to read my updates or 'tweets' as we affectionately call them, especially if you don't Twitter, but I have been trying to update as often as possible to let you know what we are doing and what's going on.
I can't believe that all my roomies are soundly asleep and I'm here chatting it up with you. It's 2:48 A.M. You can't possibly believe I'm going to be proofreading this...can you?